We want the power of God's Word to be felt in each facet of Sunday mornings. Our time of worship is designed for everyone to engage in, and our teachings take a systematic approach to scripture - providing useful principles for daily life.

At Living Hope, we want you to come as you are. We place no expectations on how you come, we simply want to provide a rich and friendly atmosphere where you can encounter and worship God. Come grab a coffee and be our guest!
Our church body gathers every week to celebrate Jesus and grow to become more like him. Sunday morning is our time to gather together for worship and time in God's word, while Tuesday night offers a chance to grow together with an engaging Bible Study.
Sunday Morning Service | 10:00am
Tuesday Family discipleship | 6:00pm
Every Sunday, we have exciting and age-appropriate options (babies-elementary school) for your kids to creatively encounter God's word. Elementary aged children will start with their parents in the sanctuary and will be released to their classroom at the end of worship.
We are committed to your child's safety and development. Our team of dedicated volunteers have been vetted, and we use a secure check-in/check-out process to ensure everyone is where they need to be at all times. This means that it may be helpful to show up a little early the first time you visit, so you will have plenty of time to get your children registered and in their class before service begins.
We can't wait to meet you!
We are committed to your child's safety and development. Our team of dedicated volunteers have been vetted, and we use a secure check-in/check-out process to ensure everyone is where they need to be at all times. This means that it may be helpful to show up a little early the first time you visit, so you will have plenty of time to get your children registered and in their class before service begins.
We can't wait to meet you!