"we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people"
What you believe and value is important for determining who you are. The same is true for a church body. Our core beliefs come from our fellowship with the Assemblies of God, and we commit to four key values that guide how we fulfill our mission as the church:
Worship, Word, Discipleship, and Mission.
Worship, Word, Discipleship, and Mission.
We Believe in worshiping God with all our heart and soul. Therefore, we value spiritually inspiring worship and giving place to your personal interaction with God.
We Believe in worshiping God with our mind. Therefore, we value biblically focused services which engage with the renovating truths of Scripture in a thoughtful and systematic fashion.
We Believe in worshiping God with all our strength. Therefore, we value an atmosphere where you and your family can engage in a comprehensive life with Christ and become active participants in God’s work here on earth.
We Believe in worshiping God by loving our neighbors as ourselves. Therefore, we value opportunities to reach our community and the world for Christ.
For a fuller statement of our beliefs, click here.
For a fuller statement of our beliefs, click here.
Our Leadership

Phil and Heather have been part of Colorado Springs all their lives and are driven by the biblical mandate to make disciples. They take joy in watching God at work in the lives of his people. Heather is ordained with the Assemblies of God. Phil graduated from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs and then from Denver Seminary with an MA in Philosophy of Religion. They have two dogs, eight nieces and nephews and are blessed by tremendous family and friends. For reflections on scripture and culture, check out Pastor Phil's blog, Every Thought Captive.
Associate Pastor

Ian is a passionate follower of Jesus who deeply cares to help students grow to the next step in their faith. The past few years he has been heavily invested in Small Group discipleship and loves to help walk people into a deeper relationship with God. As Associate Pastor he helps further the mission of Living Hope by teaching others how to love God, love people and bring the two together. He and his wife Hannah both grew up in Colorado, and together they are raising three kids: Elisha, Grace and Lydia.
Children's Ministries Director
Connor is thoroughly invested in the kids and families at Living Hope Church. His ambition is to teach, lead, and love each kid in our Children's Church programs. While he pursues ministry credentials online, he attends college in Colorado Springs. You will find him on the basketball court, Big Splash Car Wash, or serving one of his friends.