Philippians 2:5-11c Small Group Discussion

 Bible Reading
- Philippians 2:5-11
- Isaiah 45:22-23
- Revelation 21:1-7

Observation Questions
1. According to Philippians 2:5-11, what actions did Jesus take to demonstrate humility and obedience?
2. What does Isaiah 45:22-23 say about God's sovereignty and the response of all creation?
3. In Revelation 21:1-7, what are some of the promises made about the new heaven and new earth?

Interpretation Questions
1. How does Jesus' humility and obedience in Philippians 2:5-11 serve as an example for believers today?
2. What is the significance of every knee bowing and every tongue confessing that Jesus is Lord, as mentioned in both Philippians 2 and Isaiah 45?
3. How does the promise of a new heaven and new earth in Revelation 21:1-7 provide hope and courage for believers?

Application Questions
1. Reflect on a time when you struggled with pride. How can Jesus' example of humility in Philippians 2:5-11 guide you in similar situations?
2. In what ways can you practice considering others more important than yourself in your daily life, as Paul encourages in Philippians 2?
3. How does knowing that Jesus is exalted and sovereign over all creation (Philippians 2:9-11) impact your response to challenges and fears?
4. What steps can you take to align your life more closely with God's plan of restoration, as described in the sermon and in Revelation 21?
5. How can the assurance of Jesus' ultimate authority and the promise of a new creation (Revelation 21:1-7) influence your perspective on current world events and personal struggles?
6. Identify one area in your life where you need to submit more fully to Jesus' lordship. What practical changes can you make this week to reflect His sovereignty?
7. How can you encourage others in your community to live in obedience and humility, following the example of Christ? Share specific actions you can take to support and uplift those around you.

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