Philippians 3:15-21 Small Group Discussion

Bible Reading
- Philippians 3:15-21

Observation Questions
1. What does Paul mean when he says he has not yet achieved perfection but is pressing on towards the goal?
2. According to Paul, what are the dangers of removing God from our lives?
3. How does Paul describe the importance of having good spiritual examples to follow?
4. What does Paul mean by the Greek word "telios" and how does it relate to spiritual maturity?

Interpretation Questions

1. Why does Paul emphasize the need for clear goals in our spiritual journey? How does this help in striving for spiritual maturity?
2. How can imitating mature Christians help us grow in our faith? What qualities should we look for in these examples?
3. What does Paul mean by "resisting the devil, cleansing our hands, and purifying our hearts" in the context of discipleship? How does this process draw us closer to God?
4. How does Paul’s warning against those who live as enemies of the cross of Christ apply to our modern context? What are some contemporary examples of this?

Application Questions
1. Paul talks about pressing on towards the goal of becoming more like Christ. What specific steps can you take this week to grow in your spiritual maturity?
2. Reflect on the spiritual examples in your life. Who are the mature Christians you look up to, and what specific qualities do they exhibit that you can imitate?
3. Paul emphasizes the importance of discipleship. How can you be more deliberate in disciplining your life according to Christ’s pattern? What habits or practices can you start or improve?
4. Think about the influences in your life. Are there any "enemies of the cross" that you need to be more discerning about? How can you ensure that your focus remains on Christ?
5. Paul calls believers to leave behind their old way of life. Is there a specific area in your life where you need to make a change to follow Christ more closely? What steps will you take to address this?
6. How can you actively seek to draw near to God this week? What practical actions can you take to resist the devil and purify your heart?
7. Paul mentions the power of spiritual examples. How can you be a good example to others in your community? What actions can you take to model Christ-like behavior?  

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